Session 1B - E-Commerce in a New Economy: How to Promote your Business in a Virtual World. Sponsored by CIBC.
How can businesses and entrepreneurs pivot to buy or sell their goods in the digital economy? A panel discussion from expert organizations and CCAB members who have succeeded in the new digital economy share their transformative stories. Join us as we discuss best practices, new technologies, social media/communication tips, and e-marketing skills to help your business survive and thrive.
Paul-Emile McNab - CCAB
Jenn Harper - Cheekbone Beauty
Nicole Hurtubise-Watts - Paypal
Kim Barrington - Rogers
Sara Scurfield - Google
Jenn Harper - Cheekbone Beauty
Nicole Hurtubise-Watts - Paypal
Kim Barrington - Rogers
Sara Scurfield - Google

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM (EDT)