Session 2B - Export & Trade. Sponsored by EDC & Global Affairs Canada
In an unprecedented global health crisis, export and trade are essential to rebuild the economy. Over 24% of Indigenous SMEs export, 1 in 5 sell to the U.S., and 1 in 7 sell to non-U.S. overseas markets. In the midst of significant uncertainty, how do we increase confidence in trade and global markets? How do we keep supply chains flowing? Examine the research findings and join a conversation that can help to inform policy decisions through thoughtful discussion and objective evidence and analysis.
Heather Berthelette - Tribal Councils Investment Group of Manitoba Ltd.
Paul Gaspar - UPS
Chris Moran - Trade Portfolio Strategy and Coordination, Global Affairs Canada
Patrick Watson - Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business
Robert Fosco - EDC
Graeme Moore - BDC
Paul Gaspar - UPS
Chris Moran - Trade Portfolio Strategy and Coordination, Global Affairs Canada
Patrick Watson - Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business
Robert Fosco - EDC
Graeme Moore - BDC

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
3:30 PM - 4:15 PM (EDT)