Full Name
Robert Bernard
Job Title
President & CEO
Indigenous Guide Consulting Services
Speaker Bio
Since 1997, Mr. Robert Bernard has been a successful business owner of a number of Indigenous owned companies that have focused on creating sustainable and “mutually beneficial” relationships with the mainstream world. Most recently his newest business, “Indigenous Guide Consulting Services”, has brought together all of his expertise under one company, one focus, one vision… and that is to help create capacity building opportunities for Indigenous people, businesses and communities across Canada and around the world.

He prides himself on helping people from around the world to rediscover the true and authentic culture & heritage of his Mi’kmaw people through specific initiatives aimed at cultural recognition and resurgence. Robert currently sits on the Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia (TIANS) Board of Directors, Cape Breton University’s World Tourism Institute Board of Directors and recently sat on the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council (CNSLC) from 2016-19 and was named National Chair of the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada from 2016-2017. He also recently worked as the Atlantic Canada Regional Coordinator for the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) from 2018-2021 and now once again leads up the Nova Scotia Indigenous Tourism Enterprise Network (NSITEN).

Over the past 30 years, Mr. Bernard has always supported Indigenous communities, organizations, businesses and individuals across Canada in such areas as business, tourism, cultural development, environmental services, sports and recreation, recruitment & retention, employment training as well as diversity & inclusion for multiple industry sectors trying to connect with contract/procurement opportunities.

From 1997-2007, Mr. Bernard worked as the first Executive Director of the Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Sports & Recreation Circle which focused on increasing the healthy active lifestyles of the Mi’kmaw people of Nova Scotia. His work included funding negotiations with the Provincial & Federal Governments, the Canada-Nova Scotia-Mi’kmaq Tripartite Forum and recognition at the National & International Indigenous Sports organizations. He was also the co-founder of the first Aboriginal Business Chamber of Commerce in Nova Scotia from 1998-2003.

Mr. Bernard first began his professional consulting business in 2000 with Diversity Management Group (DMG) which offered Indigenous engagement sessions with Indigenous communities, organizations and businesses focusing on employment, training & industry contract opportunities from the Sable Offshore Energy Project. In 2011, Mr. Bernard once again saw an opportunity to start another new business, One Sky International (OSI) Environmental Services, which focused on helping communities to identify environmental and infrastructure protection opportunities (roads, water/sewer, housing and community development projects) through climate change awareness training & community planning and engagement processes.

His focus has always been community oriented and works to help provide updated, specific and pertinent knowledge to all his clients with a focus on a grassroots and inclusive processes that target all age groups, genders and social status. This model has been very successful in building awareness, support for project development and the ongoing sustainability of initiatives focused on positive community and organizational growth. A fluent M’kmaw speaker, Mr. Bernard has delivered dozens of workshops, presentations and has facilitated sessions from the community level to national levels involving grassroots, governments, multiple industry and political levels.

He truly believes that in order to achieve any level of true Reconciliation in Canada and around the world for Indigenous people, Indigenous people need to be front and centre in the development of a strategic plan that focuses on Reconcili-ACTION based initiatives from the grassroots up.

Mr. Bernard lives in his home community of We’koq’ma’q (Weh-go-km-ahg) Mi’kmaw Nation along with his beautiful wife Kelly and four daughters Jordynn, Kaylyn, Kassidy & Karmin and one grand-son Rory. He continues to operate his businesses on a full time basis and continues efforts to educate mainstream society on cross cultural awareness.

For more information please visit our website at: www.TheIndigenousGuide.com.
Robert Bernard